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Confirmation Form
Quote number: *
Full name: *
Email address: *
Phone number: *
Personal or Company use: * Company UsePersonal Use
Full company name:
Company registration number:
Accounts Department
Company name and invoice address: *
Payment option: * BACS PaymentCheque (10 days before delivery)
Confirmation of items to be supplied: * As per quoteChanges / amendments
Changes / amendments:
Can you accept an alternative similar replacement if necessary? * YesNo
Delivery / Collection
Delivery date: * Standard delivery times – 9am – 4pm. Please note, all other specific times to be quoted / priced separately.
Collection date: * Standard delivery times – 9am – 4pm. Please note, all other specific times to be quoted / priced separately.
Please let us know if you wish to collect and self return: * NO, I do need delivery and collection.YES, I will collect and return it myself.
Full delivery address with postcode: *
Name and telephone number of person on site for delivery: *
Is the collection address and person on site the same as delivery details? YesNo
Full collection address with postcode:
Name and telephone number of person on site at collection:
Which floor level will we deliver/collect to? *
Is there a lift? * NoYes
What are the dimensions and weight restrictions of the lift?
Parking restrictions (please indicate as appropriate): No RestrictionsYellow LineBus LaneRed RouteOwn Loading BayStreet Loading BayOther
Other parking restrictions:
Delivery/collection vehicle dimensions restrictions: Height: 3.5mWidth: 2.5mLength: 8.5m
Is there an archway or tunnel? NoYes
Please provide more details:
Special instructions (are there any other restrictions or special instructions our delivery drivers should be made aware of?) NoYes
Please advise below where our vehicle can park to minimise the risk of a parking penalty notice being issued as these costs will be passed on to the client:
If you have any observations or comments, please let us know below:
I have read and agree to the website and quote accepted terms and conditions *
Username or email address *
Password *
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